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Wish I could have starred in this article…it exactly describes my lifestyle. “Car-free” is a bit heavy, especially when the transit system is imperfect and (as we are seeing in Seattle) underfunded. Once bike-ability and transit suitability catch up, I could imagine never using a car. But until then a Car2Go here and there can fill in the gaps in an otherwise car free lifestyle. Affordable, healthy, intentional, sustainable – these are the words I use to describe a car-lite life. Sure, sometimes it is a pain in the ass (a 15 minute drive could take 1.5 hours during late night times), but it is worth it.

Case in point: I run home from work a lot. Last Friday I ran home in 23 minutes. I realized I forgot my keys, and so decided to get a Car2Go to take back to work (I was not feeling a 7.5 mile run and I could not get my bike without my keys). The Car2Go ride took me 45 minutes round trip – exactly the same as my running pace. Minus the healthy benefits.

Seattle Magazine | Arts & Culture/News & Features | Is it Possible to Live Car-Free in Seattle?.